Speaker Notes


Revd. Iain McKillop is an Anglican priest, a painter and art historian. Iain’s paintings have toured many British cathedrals and churches, and BBC Songs of Praise has featured his work. Iain’s altarpieces hang in Gloucester Cathedral, Guildford Cathedral, St. John’s, Bury St. Edmunds and St. Peter’s, West Molesey. He has Stations of the Cross in Bury St. Edmunds and Ewell. Iain’s exhibitions frequently explore issues of theology and discipleship through painting and poetry. Iain’s work has been included in many surveys of current Christian Art, including ‘Presence’ - St. Paul’s Cathedral, - ‘Christ Among Us’ - Westminster Cathedral and ‘Seeing Salvation Now’ Huddersfield. (www.mckillop.weebly.com)


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